Thank you.
I certainly appreciate the fact that you're here, and I certainly have a lot of concerns with regard to the health care sector. I have a sister who has Alzheimer's disease, and I know what it's like not having a place for her. I know that we're going to be seeing many more people with Alzheimer's.
I'd like a response to my question from the physicians as well, aside from some of the other comments. We've all heard reports of provincial recruitment and competition for all sorts of health professionals. Many smaller cities, let alone rural communities, are virtually bidding for health professionals. What is the department's assessment of the impact of the April 1 change to cross-border internal mobility? With the shortages, there have been fears expressed that lifting cross-border restrictions will see HHR migration to wealthier larger provinces and urban centres. I'm just wondering if this concern has been validated.
The other thing I was interested in knowing as well is in regard to the comment that there are 1,398 aboriginal students receiving financial assistance. I'm just wondering if you have a breakdown of the professions there.