Yes. Regarding your question about mobility and licensing, one of the issues we found is that doctors who are willing to go to remote areas—even for six months or several months at a time—to do locum work are unable to get licensed in the province they're needed in. So the concern may be less about doctors moving to wealthier provinces. Ontario, as you know, is not doing all that well right now, and the other provinces are also having their difficulties.
I think the main impetus for mobility in licensure is to allow relief so that physicians can go and assist in another area, which would make life easier for them. What happens is that it's a domino affect. Doctors can't get the support they need there, so what happens is that they don't want to go to a remote area to work because they can't even get away for a holiday. But if you can provide more mobility for other physicians to potentially relieve the physicians already working in those areas, you will get, I think, an improved chance of people going to those areas as physicians.
Does that make sense to you?