I don't have a statistic for you, but in my answer to Dr. Bennett's question, I did quote the statistic from CIHI that there has been a 31% increase in undergraduate medical seats.
I can't tell you, because I don't have the number in front of me, what the relevant increase in residency seats is, but obviously the expectation of the provinces and of the clinician trainers is that the vast majority of those undergraduates will move on to residency.
As you point out, there is also room in the residency matching service for international medical graduates who didn't do their undergrad training in Canada, so there's no question that there are increases in the availability of those seats. I don't have a number in front of me, but whether it's for Canadian-trained undergraduate medical students or for international medical graduates, there has been an increase—there has to be—at the residency end to accommodate those undergraduate students.