Thank you for the question.
What I would say is that there isn't accountability at the level that you're describing. So, no, there is not any federal intervention with the provinces of Saskatchewan and Quebec or other jurisdictions with respect to specific decisions they're taking about your centre or any other medical or teaching facility. That's not the context in which major transfers are provided to provincial and territorial jurisdictions for health or other social programs as well. So not at that level.
At the broader level of shared principles around supporting recruitment and retention, moving to inter-professional practice and more rapid integration of international medical graduates, that's the document I referred to earlier—the HHR collaborative planning framework. There are shared commitments. There are principles underlying the way the governments will work together, and those principles support the very areas you're talking about. However, it wouldn't be accurate to say with the level of detail you're talking about that the federal government has any accountability relationships with the provinces.