In terms of your question around models of nursing education, we recognize that there is a shortage of nursing faculty. The faculty is aging, and so on. There is beginning to be work looking at different models, such clinical scholars and so on. We know that in nursing we have an approach to clinical education that is very different from the approach in medicine, so we need to start looking at those. My team and I personally haven't, but work is going on in that area.
A lot of work is currently being done in looking at the assessment of internationally educated nurses and whether it's equitable to the process that Canadian nursing students go through. It is beginning to emerge. You've identified a lot of issues with internationally educated nurses in terms of cultural adaptation and language, but there is work going on. I don't know if it's particular to the western provinces, but there is work going on through the Mount Royal College. It's an assessment project that was funded by Health Canada.
I can't answer your question about distribution. There are a lot of differences across the country in terms of the mix of different kinds of providers who are available to staff service delivery models and so on. There's a lot of difference across the country.