Thank you. Good afternoon. My name is Kaaren Neufeld and I am the president of the Canadian Nurses Association, which represents some 136,000 registered nurses and nurse practitioners across Canada. Thank you for the opportunity to present to you as you are studying health human resources.
The brief I'm presenting to you today is organized into three main areas. I want to talk about the RN shortage, health and safety in the workplace, and national-level HHR planning. However, first I want to acknowledge the federal government's commendable leadership so far in health human resources, particularly with regard to a number of issues: the health accord in 2000, the allocation of $85 million to the renewal of health human resources, the annual $20 million it committed to the national health human resource strategy in 2003, the creation of a 10-year plan in 2004, and the creation of the framework for collaborative pan-Canadian HHR planning.
However, challenges remain, as we all know. I will discuss the nursing shortage first.
In 2002, CNA used past workforce patterns to project a shortage of 78,000 registered nurses by 2011 and 113,000 RNs by 2016. Next month, CNA will release its new report on Canada's RN workforce, entitled Tested Solutions for Eliminating Canada's Registered Nurse Shortage. This report will estimate the number of nurses we'll need in clinical care in Canada from 2007 to 2022. We will use those numbers to estimate how far we'll fall short of those estimates.
More importantly, this time the report will highlight what we can do about the shortage by quantifying the impact of six specific policy scenarios that can reduce or even eliminate the shortage. One of the key solutions to the nursing crisis outlined in this report lies in more effective and efficient use of existing resources, including better use of technology, changing work processes, and addressing workplace issues that lead to absenteeism and turnover.
For example, one employer in Ottawa found that 30% of the work RNs were doing could be done by staff who did not have a registered nurse's skills or knowledge. The facility added support staff to complement its workforce of registered nurses and thereby reduced the time nurses were spending on non-nursing duties.
In light of the successes of this initiative and many others like it, the Canadian Nurses Association recommends that the government establish a formal mechanism or tool to promote the sharing and adoption of innovative yet practical solutions to the health workforce crisis.
Now I'd like to turn to the second point in this brief: the issue of workplace health and safety and its impact on health professionals. Four years ago, the national survey of the work and health of nurses ranked nursing as one of the sickest professions in Canada. Nurses' absenteeism due to illness and injury was 58% higher than the average found in the labour force overall. A similar study for physicians found that almost one-quarter of physicians had been depressed in the past year.
Those surveys were just a snapshot in time. We don't know if these trends have continued since then, and we don't know if the investments in workplaces have made a difference, so the Canadian Nurses Association recommends that the federal government fund an ongoing national survey of the work and health of nurses, and that the survey be expanded to include other health professionals as well. We also recommend that the government implement a national occupational health and safety strategy for the health workforce.
I come now to my third point, which is national-level planning in health human resources. Although provinces and territories are primarily responsible for health care deliveries, CNA and the Health Action Lobby believe that the health workforce is a national resource. Health professionals and students of health programs are mobile. The federal, provincial, and territorial governments themselves recognized this when they recently revised chapter 7 of the Agreement on Internal Trade. In addition, research shows that factors affecting the recruitment and retention of nurses do not differ greatly from one province or territory to another.
The federal government invested $12 million in six sector studies, including nurses, physicians, and pharmacists. They produced concrete strategies addressing the health workforce crisis. Unfortunately, very little action has been taken on these reports.
Similarly, federal, provincial, and territorial governments developed the framework for collaborative pan-Canadian HHR planning. Progress is slow, and CNA is concerned that implementation of the action plan is not receiving the attention and support it needs from governments.
The Canadian Nurses Association recommends that annual funding for the pan-Canadian HHR strategy continue for at least another decade and be increased to $40 million per year to support the activities identified in the action plan of the framework for collaborative pan-Canadian HHR planning.
We recommend that the federal government create a pan-Canadian HHR institute or observatory. The concept of an HHR institute was put forth by several of the sector studies that I mentioned a few moments ago, as well as by CMA and others.
Health human resources institutes and observatories have been implemented in Europe, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. In Canada, the observatory would bring together researchers, governments, employers, health professionals, unions, and international organizations to monitor and analyze trends in health outcomes, health policy, and HHR to provide evidence-based advice to policy makers. It would also spread information about promising advances in HHR activities across the country and would coordinate HHR research.
In conclusion, we understand that these are difficult economic times, but having a healthy, stable, and sufficient supply of health professionals is necessary to keep Canadians healthy and productive.
CNA's upcoming report on the shortage of registered nurses in Canada will show that the shortage can be resolved, but it requires both political will and resources on the part of the federal government. CNA has invited all MPs to the release of this report on May 11, and we urge the committee to attend.
Thank you for your time today and for this opportunity for CNA to continue to work with the federal government on this important issue.