I would like it on the record that this is not to replace the regular briefings we have committed to and that we have by e-mail. I also want to make it clear, in terms of weekends and our availability as members of Parliament, that whether it's through the clerk or through the minister's office, there be a way of getting in touch with members of Parliament should the situation change and we require a briefing. I just want to make sure that this doesn't supercede the excellent beginning we've had, in terms of the briefings yesterday and today, and that we go forward.
This bulks this up a little bit in terms of being fleet of foot. Then we will have to decide, on each of these meetings, whether they're in camera and whether there is certain sensitive information for which we would have to be sworn.
I just want to make sure that this is our consent in theory. But in practice, I'd really like to get some of this sorted out with the minister's office in terms of the good beginning we've had.
We were concerned this morning, as I said, that there seemed to be a bit of push-back, so I am really firm that if we, as Liberals, agree to this, we don't want to be going backwards from the way we have begun.