Thank you, Madam Chair, honourable members, and colleagues. It is a pleasure to appear in front of you today. My name is Andrew Padmos. I'm the CEO of the Royal College and a hematologist by training. I continue a small but very important clinical practice in hematology in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where I recently lived before moving to Ottawa.
The Royal College was created by a special act of Parliament in 1929 to ensure the highest standards for the training, evaluation, and practice of medical and surgical specialists. We now supervise the training and certification of 61 specialties and subspecialties and represent a population of 43,000 specialists out of the approximately 70,000 members of the medical workforce in Canada.
I would like to commend the work done by governments, health planners, and policy-makers at the federal level in addressing health human resources shortages. My colleagues have mentioned several specific projects. These have improved our understanding, but they have unfortunately not eliminated the shortages and the misdeployment of health human resources across this country. Many citizens, including members of our families and our circles, have suffered from these shortages on a daily basis.
Our analysis in our brief addresses five areas that the committee has identified as important. The first concerns the supply in the medical workforce. These comments are not confined to physicians, however. They are echoed in literally all of the health professions and consider all of the health care providers that make up our important resource in the health system.
Some particular factors make the issues more concerning for physician members of the workforce. Among them, we're aging at a rapid rate, and the number of our members in the medical workforce who have become age 50 or over is up 9.3% since the year 2000. Probably more important, in terms of the number of services provided, we know that the new members of the medical workforce have commitments to a better work-life balance that limit their productivity, and it is often said that for every retiring physician we need to find and train two replacements.
One of the things that is of particular concern and I think is relevant to today's news, the news that's not related to swine flu virus, is the concern over loss of capital in human health research. Our government has made small, incremental, and augmented changes to the health research funding that pale in comparison to the significant additional investment in other countries, particularly the U.K. and the U.S.A. Even today, President Obama of the United States announced a commitment of 3% or more of gross domestic product to the research and scientific agenda in that country, and this is important in retaining the best and the brightest of our physician workforce, our other health care providers, and our medical scientists.
Our recommendations resonate with those made by colleagues. We commend the federal government and recommend its further investment in training, education, and continuing professional development of medical and other health professionals. We would like to see the Conservative federal election campaign promise to invest additional millions of dollars a year for four years to create additional residency training spots in teaching hospitals. We suggest that commitment should be extended by a further 10 years.
We also recommend that the government expand and sustain Canada's investment in both biomedical and psycho-social research for the health system in order not only to improve health care but to retain leading health, scientific, and biomedical researchers who are otherwise going to follow investments made elsewhere and leave our country.
Anyone who has worked at the front lines of health care knows that it is truly a teamwork-based operation, and our members fully support that.
We commend federal-provincial-territorial initiatives to enhance interprofessional education and collaborative practice. We would also like to acknowledge that other health professionals need support so that their work can ensure that Canadians can access more and better specialty care.
For this, we recommend the federal government support the enhanced supply, deployment, and evaluation of such other health professionals as physician assistants and advanced clinical nurses, including nurse practitioners and clinical nurse specialists.
We follow our colleagues in the Canadian Medical Association in identifying internationally educated health professionals as a crucial component of the medical workforce and the health workforce. We suggest targeted funding to expand medical school capacity and postgraduate medical education positions to develop and augment the incorporation of international medical graduates into our practice.
We also identify that not all Canadians have the luxury of living in urban environments where sophisticated health care services are readily available. For northern, rural, or remote areas, we recommend the federal government study the feasibility of creating a special federal infrastructure fund to provide exceptional relief and assistance to rural and remote communities that lack, or are losing, adequate health services.
I'd also like to identify aboriginal peoples and other federal groups as worthy recipients of federal targeted funding. The funding should integrate the framework for aboriginal core competencies developed by the Indigenous Physicians Association of Canada and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons into medical curricula in medical schools across Canada. I'd also like to point out that we should have scholarship programs and we should recruit and place first nations, Inuit, and Métis health professionals in practice.
Last, I'd like to return to the recommendation that appears to be common among all groups. At the risk of identifying Madam Silas' concerns in a light fashion, a repetition of the same thing with no discernible result is a definition of insanity. However, I do hope that we're able to see progress on the idea of the federal government working with provinces to establish a pan-Canadian HHR observatory or institute to address the manifest gaps and deficiencies in data research and analysis and to disseminate knowledge about health outcomes, including those outcomes that relate to the amended Agreement on Internal Trade, which we feel will certainly have deleterious results on migration and distribution of health professionals in the short term.
Madam Chair, thank you for the opportunity to present to you today. We commend these recommendations to your committee.