I think I've said that we are trying this year to have some kind of project to integrate all those initiatives across Canada and elsewhere, to improve, first, the access, but also the quality. We have seen examples of what is going on in, let's say, the Netherlands or Denmark, where they have put a lot of emphasis on quality, not only on wait times, because they have solved that problem. Quality is a very important aspect.
This year, we want to try to bring in all the initiatives in Canada and try to spread this, again, to every possible location. Quality is very important, but maybe we need to do something else, which is to put in health goals and targets in Canada. Maybe it could be a federal role to say that we should improve work on obesity, let's say, and put in some national goals. That could be very helpful. If we put in goals, then there are some targets. We need to improve the quality of our service, but also the quality of the health of patients, so this is one aspect that could work.