Thank you, Madam Chairperson.
Thanks to all of you for your presentations.
I agree that this bill takes us forward. There are some improvements in this whole area. My concern--you've heard me before on this--is that we may have brought ourselves up to the 2009 scenario, but I don't know if we're prepared to look into the future to deal with some of the upcoming issues that other countries are grappling with.
First, why is there so much discretion in the bill? Every clause you look at talks about how “the Minister may”. You can read it on just about every page. I know there are different tools in this bill that are useful. Why isn't there a requirement that the government does something when there is a problem, as opposed to leaving it open to such discretion? And why has there been the change from Bill C-52, where the minister is no longer obligated to report and disclose problems?
Those are my first two questions. I have three more.