Thank you, Madam Chair.
Thanks very much for your presentation and for being here this afternoon.
I have three different areas I want to ask questions about, so maybe I'll just ask the questions and then whoever wants to can answer.
My first one is about the relationship between the proposed act and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, the existing one. I'm assuming that they're going to work together to reduce exposure. But how will you deal with consumer products that consist of toxic substances? Will the fact that a product contains a toxic substance under CEPA automatically ban the product under the proposed act? Will they coincide? How does the proposed act deal with the environmental impact of consumer products? That's my first set of questions.
My second question is in regard to the proposed act and its impact on manufacturers and retailers. What's going to be the impact on them? For example, going back to Judy's question on addressing lead in children's toys, how will the new act work in collaboration with existing regulations along those lines?
My third question is in regard to importers. How can the products that we know pose a danger to human health and safety be stopped at the border? Will this cause a delay in the flow of goods into Canada? Can we actually deal with non-compliant manufacturers in other countries?