Chair, I'll take those questions in reverse order.
The legislation would definitely allow us to deal with importation issues, so we would be able to work with our partners, Canada Border Services Agency and others, to deal with the product before it would even enter the country. So if we had concerns about a product, we could stop its importation. We could ask that it be held at the border. There are a range of things we could do relative to the risks. So it does have the ability to do that, and we could work with them through triggers and other notices.
When there is not a risk, it is not meant to propose that there be an undue burden on the industry. That's where you get back to this being a post-market, not a pre-market, regime as we move forward. When there is a problem we have identified, we could deal with it through this before it entered the country.
With respect to manufacturers, the impact on them is really, I think, speaking as a bureaucrat, quite simple. They need to make sure that in the design of the product they are manufacturing, they have contemplated its uses so it will not create a health and safety risk when used. That's the impact on manufacturers. As they do that, they need to make sure that they have records, that they've done the tests, and that if we have concerns and ask for the data, they provide it.
With respect to something being on CEPA and how we would work directly with CEPA, I spoke earlier of the chemicals management plan and of identifying substances. The two pieces of legislation work together. Our intention in creating Bill C-6 and the proposal before you was not to design one piece of legislation that solves all the problems associated with all the issues. It was intended to deal with consumer products and their safety and to work in concert with other pieces of legislation. So where we see that there is a substance-specific problem that CEPA has identified, we would then ask ourselves which act is best placed to achieve the results.
In terms of the impact we are trying to achieve, CEPA's objective is also the protection of human health, the environment, and sustainability. So we would ask which of those two acts is best positioned to respond as we move forward in developing the response from the government as it moves forward.
I know that my colleagues would like to add to that response. Just briefly, then, I'll turn to my colleagues Rob Ianiro and Diane Labelle.