That's an excellent question. The short answer is no.
The concern that this bill addresses is the health of Canadians and the safety of the products they produce. Whether you manufacture or import, the burden on industry is exactly the same in terms of reporting incidents and of tracking where your products are made, whether that's in this country or, if you're importing them, who you're importing them from and where they're getting them from, so that if there are problems we can trace those back to the appropriate manufacturing site.
The ultimate objective is the protection of the Canadian public whether the product is made in Canada or imported. The onus is the same. Whether you're making it here or somewhere else, know the design of your product, know the ingredients in the product, and make sure those ingredients do not pose an unacceptable risk to Canadians. If they do, with this bill, through the general prohibition, the targeted oversight, and our ability to respond rapidly, we'll be there.