Yes, I'm happy.
The other thing I want to talk to you about is the reminder that we're having dinner with the minister Wednesday at six o'clock at the parliamentary restaurant. She's invited all the committee members. We'll re-send that invitation in case you missed it. That's always a really good time for us to get together.
With regard to the trip up north, we'll be talking more about that on Wednesday, but we've taken the suggestions: the birthing centre in Rankin, the health clinic in Rankin, talk about Nunavut's community wellness strategy, the hospital, tours. Lots of things are going on on that particular trip. We will be leaving on the Sunday afternoon, May 24, and we'll be coming back the following Tuesday. You'll get more details on that very soon.
Right now, I need to have a motion to adopt the budget. Just to give you a reminder, today, in committee, we asked for an operating budget of $111,700 to bring in the witness for the HHR study simply because it's become such a big study that we're going to be continuing with it in the fall.
We did that budget, and we also got the budget, as I told you, of $86,745 for the travel up north.
I need to adopt the following:
That the proposed budget in the amount of $38,850, for the study of Bill C-6, An Act respecting the safety of consumer products be adopted and that the Chair present the said budget to the Budget Subcommittee of the Liaison Committee.
I have to have that motion adopted here so that I can go to the liaison committee for that budget as well.
Ms. Murray has moved that.
(Motion agreed to)
I thought you would agree, since you wanted to see the witnesses, but we have to go through that formality.
We're going to be going to our witnesses.
About 10 minutes before the end of the meeting, I would like to see the will of the committee in terms of the witnesses subsequently for Bill C-6. We need to decide how we want to proceed with this. We have our witnesses today, and at about 5:20 we will ask to go in camera with the committee to decide how we want to proceed.
We have with us today, from the Department of Health, Paul Glover, assistant deputy minister, healthy environments and consumer safety branch; Robert Ianiro, director of consumer product safety; Charles Ethier, director general of the consumer product safety directorate; and Diane Labelle, general counsel, legal services unit.
As you know, we will hear your presentations, and then we'll go through our Q and A session.
You have roughly 10 minutes each.
Can we start with Mr. Glover?