The first element of your question was, essentially, how you populate the list. If you create what we sometimes refer to as a hot list of chemicals, how do you populate that list? Probably the easiest place to start is where the Canadian government has already assessed a chemical as being health toxic. We have that list under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. Under schedule 1 of that law, we've assessed a number of chemicals, and we do both an environmental assessment and a health assessment. You could look at those chemicals, both on that list and off that list, which we've assessed to be toxic on health standards.
Now, there's some overlap here, but there are a number of other lists. Ms. Checkland mentioned the IARC list. There's the national toxicology program in the U.S. Particularly with regard to reproductive toxins, there's the Proposition 65 list in California. Those are all jurisdictions that have dealt with the exact question you're dealing with. We can easily import a lot of that information here to Canada.
Each of these jurisdictions, including Canada, establishes a safe use threshold. What we would consider to be a background level is fairly well established for most chemicals. When you ban a chemical, you're not really banning it, you're banning it to background levels, essentially.