For the whole panel, I would like to make a suggestion or a hypothesis. I think the fact that we've had absolutely no desire shown by the toy manufacturers or the consumer products industry to appear before this committee says that they're quite happy with this bill, which tells me that they're not too worried about any punitive directions from this government.
The more I look at this bill, the more I think that what in fact we have is a bit of a smoke and mirrors effort that will only serve, if we're talking about magnets in toys or walkers with wheels—visible whole products that are obviously a danger—to move industry a little faster than they would be moved by public opinion, keeping in mind that without any recall legislation we had 240 recalls last year, 90 recalls in 2007, and so on.
I'm not sure we're any further ahead with this bill in terms of dangerous products, because we're not dealing with anything other than the obvious, visible, easy stuff that has to go off the market. What we're having trouble with in this bill is that there's no way we can get the government to move quickly on compound products, on products that have toxic substances. We were told two days ago that even if this bill passed tomorrow, we're going to have to wait for however long the government wants to take to develop standards on lead. So the story in the paper about doctors and parents and children being concerned about heavy metals in kids' face paint has to wait, because there's no strategy.
It seems to me the government can do this as long as they want. There is nothing in this bill that forces the government to do anything. It's full of “mays”; there are no requirements. I think this is really a smoke and mirrors exercise and that we have to really be tough in terms of some amendments.
I would like to ask Marie Adèle, are you really that happy with this legislation from the point of view of pediatricians? Wouldn't you want to see some legislation that requires the government to actually use the tools that are listed here; that actually requires the government to inform consumers, if there is any kind of danger on site; that requires the government to remove or restrict a product; that requires information be made available to consumers; that requires labelling, if nothing else works? Wouldn't you want that as a pediatrician, as a mother, as a parent?