Pam mentioned the case of baby walkers, which the Wal-Marts, the Zellers, and the Bay banned, but for which there was a whole sub-market, if you will, on the corner of the street, through garage sales and so on. Having legislation that will lead to more information being in the media and more information being on our website or the Safe Kids Canada website will just help to alert people who may sell them that it is illegal to sell them, and as I said before, it will alert parents that these are products that are not safe.
I can't emphasize enough my agreement with what Pam said during her presentation: that parents will believe that if something is for sale in Canada, it is safe. In the case of the people who were selling that back-to-sleep product and saying, right on their box, “will keep your baby in the position recommended by the Canadian Paediatric Society”, they are going to believe it's safe.
For me, what Bill C-6 does, especially by giving the government the power to pull things off the market very quickly and then to work with us to inform consumers, to inform health care professionals, is just get the word out.