The Institute on Governance document was paid for by Rx&D, was never published on the Rx&D website, was never published on the Institute on Governance website, and reflects ideas that are at least two years old. The thing was published in April 2008. We were provided with a copy in September 2008, which was supposed to be confidential, but obviously was distributed to members of this committee. I'm not going to defend that document, because it reflects the environment of at least two years ago.
Now, we've been going through a major guidelines revision process, and one of the objectives of it was to address many of the things mentioned in that IOG report. The term “mandate creep” is a total misnomer. We are regulated by the Patent Act, which hasn't changed since 1987. We are regulated by our regulations, which haven't changed since 1994. So for 15 years we have had the same rules to operate under. We're not the ones who have changed—they have changed.