Those kinds of decisions can't be left up to the consumer. If there is a real risk, then that has to be made at a level of scientific inquiry. It's toxicologists, developmental biologists, chemists, and physicians who should be making that decision. If the decision is that the ingredient in that product represents a danger, then it should not be sold. It should not be left up to the consumer looking at the labels in the store to decide which one they should buy, because they are not equipped to do that. To know anything is extremely difficult, especially in the area of toxicology. There are so many variables. These decisions have to come at a higher level.
My answer would be that although it's nice to educate the consumer about risk analysis and risk-benefit ratios, etc., we can't leave them floundering out there to make that decision for themselves. It has to be made by people who know what they're talking about.