As I said, we currently have the Consumer Products Safety Office in Canada, which is doing quite a good job spreading information on recalls. Unfortunately, that organization is not well enough known to Canadian consumers, and its work isn't comprehensive enough. That problem should be corrected, we think, and resources should be made available for that purpose.
In the United States, all recalls of all products, whether it be food, cosmetics, children's seats, automobiles and any other consumer products, are available on a single website. We think that kind of system should be considered.
In addition, the European Union uses a notification system called RAPEX. Under that system, you know what the product is, what country it comes from, what the associated hazard is and what measures the government of the country in question has taken to address it. A photograph of the product is also published. It's excellent. It reassures consumers and gives them greater trust in the system, which is supposed to protect them.