I think we can start, though. We as members of Parliament have to make a commitment to consumers that we're going to at least try to get close to the precautionary principle. We have to do our utmost to ensure that at least in areas in which we know there are serious problems involving carcinogens, neurotoxins, reproductive toxins—and there's clear research that shows the exposure to those things in toys, in products, in food over a period of time can lead to serious problems.... We have to do something. We can't just say the government “may”, or the government, “if it wants to”....
This bill doesn't even say that if they know of something dangerous—such as, for example, in CTV's report the other day about car seats, or CBC's report saying car seats are dangerous, according to Transport Canada, but that they're not releasing the information.... This bill doesn't require the government to release that information. Goodness, it's really a toothless tiger, unless we can put some of that into it.
What would you suggest we do? From your perspective as a mother, what would you do to protect yourself and your kids?