I'm going to answer in English.
Currently the legislation is 100 decibels. Health Canada does test for toys that exceed 100 decibels. They do recalls for those toys that exceed those noise levels. What we're trying to say is that 100 decibels is too high.
The other issue we have is that many toys come into the country from other countries that don't necessarily have the same testing standards that we do here in Canada. I have personal examples of toys given to my child that clearly exceeded 100 decibels and that were manufactured overseas. They were brought in by well-meaning grandparents who'd been visiting other countries.
When we do receive complaints in our association, we forward them to Health Canada. They are very good at responding, at sending inspectors out to examine them and then withdrawing them from the marketplace if they do exist. We're saying that 100 decibels is a danger to a child's hearing. We need that decibel level lowered.