We're now into a discussion that will apply not just to this amendment but to a number of amendments, and we need to get some clarification from the department about how the government actually feels about the general direction of the amendment and other amendments like it. How serious are the cost factors in terms of implementing this and others? To what extent will the government perhaps even hold up this bill if this amendment is passed and there are these kinds of cost implications?
We really need a frank chat here, because we've all heard from so many witnesses over the last little while about the need to move on some substantive changes that deal with hazardous products and deal with labelling. The witnesses, I think, were pretty clear generally. And the department has indicated there are some serious problems with going in this direction.
I would like some dialogue, some more emphasis and more discussion from department officials and government members about just what this means and how we could advance the agenda, with which I think everybody is in agreement.