Thank you, Madam Chair, for the member's question.
I'll will turn to my colleague Director General Cathy Sabiston to complement my answer, but my short response to that is a bit of yes and no, unfortunately. Any time we move to prohibit a product, then by the very nature of prohibition, some of that product is driven onto the black market. At the same time, that's why the strategy is comprehensive in terms of what we do and why we work with other federal departments to deal with contraband and other issues.
It's important for the government to take action on these things so they stop being sold in singles, and that we start to see the legal and what is clearly the fastest growing product category being made available to our youth. We believe taking any steps we can to make that more difficult, while at the same time we work with our partners in other federal departments to further reduce not just this but all contraband products, is the right direction for us to take.
Cathy, can you add to that?