I can't speak in stats; I don't have letters behind my name, but I can speak from personal experience. I know that a lot of my friends have used tobacco products because there are flavourings in them. In terms of cigarillos, they make them easier to smoke. They make the smoke that you get on your clothes smell not as bad. They're a more appealing product because they're cigars instead of cigarettes.
People make that distinction at my age. I've heard lots of people say that cigars are more natural, which is totally not the case. It's exactly the same tobacco. Also, in terms of chewing tobacco, from my personal experience, I can say that the difference between regular Skoal and any kind of flavoured Skoal product is night and day. Most users, when they first use a straight product—a Skoal straight product—will puke, whereas the other products are quite palatable. I think it'll make a big difference to eliminate these flavours. That's what's making these products attractive to youth, and that's what's making those youth that normally wouldn't go out of their way to use tobacco products try them. It is something new. It is something different. It is something that we're definitely curious about.