Earlier, you acknowledged that Health Canada had not done any research on this subject. However, according to a study done in 2008 by the Institut de la statistique du Québec, high school students smoked a greater number of cigarillos than cigarettes in 2008. Yet, you admitted in a letter to the committee that Health Canada was well aware that the vast majority of Canadians who smoke cigarillos, both flavoured and non flavoured, were of legal age, or more than 25 years old. You admitted it during a meeting. However, in the same letter, you also note that the government did not do any kind of research on the type of product minors are consuming, or the origin or amount of tobacco products consumed.
That puzzles me a great deal. On the one hand, we hear claims that studies have been done, while on the other hand, people are claiming that no studies have been conducted.