Patient must absolutely be able to trust again, and deploying PET technology is the most meaningful thing to do.
As for mobile PET units, it is absolutely a mistake to try them. They rejected them in France, the country with the most experience with PET. Quebec rejected them. It is a denial of service for those with the equipment. To those who promote them and who are so convinced of their merits, we suggest offering them a mobile PET unit to replace the one in their hospital.
In hospitals, stable magnetic resonance equipment is installed because we cannot know in advance when the tests will take place. These tests have to be programmed on a daily basis. In those conditions, a mobile PET scanner is no use; it is a waste of money. This approach was rejected because it costs too much to maintain the tractor, the motor. In France, they completely rejected it. Canada would do better to look at what is being done in France or in Belgium, because those are the countries with the most expertise.