Thank you.
Minister, I'm going to ask just a couple of questions in order to understand your government's and your department's approach to research. There are some seemingly contradictory statements.
On the one hand, we hear that you want to work well with the research communities. On the other hand, there are some pretty major reductions to the granting councils. Also, we see in the strategic review that $6.3 million was refocused in regard to research towards advancements in science, so I'm not sure how you refocus by cutting $6 million.
But it's the Genome Canada funding that I'm most interested in. I see in the supplementary estimates that you're asking for an additional $4 million for the genomics research and development initiative. Meanwhile, Genome Canada, which was expecting $120 million, was very disappointed to see no additional funding. They believe that only research that's well under way can continue and that nothing new can start. “It's like we fell between the chairs,” said the president.
Could you tell me if this $4 million is making up for the $120 million that is being cut from future funding for Genome Canada? Or what is that budget for?