Thank you.
I'd like to thank the member for her questions.
Sometime, I'd also like to invite the committee to Nunavut to see some of the challenges in delivering health care.
I recognize the members' concerns, and I want to be very clear with my colleagues here that our Prime Minister and this government are 100% committed to a publicly funded, universal health care system, which represents the principles of the Canada Health Act. I'm in support of that. This government also believes that many innovations and experiments can occur within a publicly funded health care system in a manner that is consistent with the requirements under the Canada Health Act.
The act requires provincial and territorial insurance plans to provide coverage for medically necessary positions and hospital service, without charge at the point of service. So for the most part, provinces and territories' health care insurance plans are in compliance with the act.
With regard to the funding to the provinces, at the provincial level I received the funding under the territorial level, the Canada health transfers, and in every year that funding increased. Our government has committed—