Thank you, Madam Chair.
I've been around the federal-provincial tables for the last four and a half years. There has been no agreement in terms of the national pharmaceuticals strategy around that table. We've had a number of discussions around how to try to deal with the issue.
I want to be very clear that our Prime Minister is committed to upholding the Canada Health Act. I think it also needs to be very clear that the provinces and territories deliver health care, including deciding which prescription drugs would be included in their formularies. This is a provincial-territorial responsibility funded through the Canada Health Act. We are committed to working with the provinces and territories to make our health care system more efficient, and by working together with our partners, but we can find savings that can be redirected to public drug plans. I will continue to work with my provincial-territorial colleagues on that very issue, as I recognize it is an important subject. But in the last four years we have not made any decisions on how to proceed with that matter.
Thank you.