Thank you, Dr. Bennett, for your questions. I sense your frustrations and I look forward to working with you to address some of your concerns and some of your questions.
We're not here to really discuss Budget 2009 or get into the specifics of the strategic review. But what I will say is that under Health Canada--the Public Health Agency--the Canadian Institutes of Health Research have undertaken the review to better align programs, to do science research and support Canadian health. I'm a strong believer that we need to do some reviews in the delivery of how we manage programs. As an example, the legislation I introduced in the House is 40 years old, and that went through a review. It was necessary to introduce legislation that is keeping up with time. It's just good business periodically to do reviews of our programs on a regular basis as we try to serve Canadians. Basically, as a result of these reviews, the government is refocusing its programs to better deliver on its core federal role in health, realigning existing resources and programs to improve management of risks to human health and so on. I would be very happy to return to this committee in the spring to discuss this in more detail with the honourable member. As it is right now, we're focusing on the implementation of some of these changes that we're proposing, but I can also say that for some of these programs in HIV/AIDS, the Health Council, there is ongoing funding to support those important initiatives, as outlined by my colleagues. I'll leave it at that.