Thank you, Madam Chair.
First of all, I'd like to make it very clear that our government and the Prime Minister are 100% committed to cracking down on all tobacco products marketed to children. This was a clear commitment made by our Prime Minister in the last election. This is why we'll be taking action to set a minimum package size for cigarillos so they are less affordable for children, to prohibit flavours and additives that would appeal to children, and to ban all tobacco advertising and promotion in print and electronic media that may be viewed and read by youth. We will not tolerate tobacco being marketed in ways that are enticing to children. That's my general comment around tobacco.
I would also like to state that Health Canada transfers, under the Canada Health Transfer Act, $22.6 billion on an annual basis to deliver health care services, prevention programs, promotion programs, and so on, in addition to what we invest at the federal level.