I can elaborate on that a little bit, just by way of context. As the committee may be aware, the Government of Quebec brought a constitutional challenge, by way of a reference to the Court of Appeal of Quebec, some time ago.
The Court of Appeal of Quebec issued its decision in 2008 and found that parts of the Assisted Human Reproduction Act were unconstitutional. We have challenged that. We have appealed the ruling of the Court of Appeal of Quebec. We think it's important, given that there is uncertainty in this area, to get guidance from the Supreme Court of Canada.
We will be continuing to work up our regulatory projects in the meantime. We are moving forward quickly. We have filed our factum. A number of provinces have intervened. They will be filing theirs. I believe the hearing will take place over the next few months.
Typically, Supreme Court decisions take about--no guarantees--six months. We want to be in a position very quickly to move after that.