We are very well prepared. I think we are exceptionally well prepared. That doesn't mean we should be complacent, but we, meaning the collective group of government employees, have been working at this since 2002, taking our lead from the science of the Public Health Agency and also looking at other countries. We have a nice structure. We have an ability to think on our feet. We have an ability to respond quickly.
We never planned to be in the middle of a pandemic outbreak. All our planning was for an outbreak in Southeast Asia, because we were looking at avian flu being the starting strain. Then we were in the middle of H1N1—Mexico, United States, and Canada—and we adapted. During the spring, we were able to do whatever it took. We worked very closely with the borders. We worked with our health professionals. We worked with the United States. We worked with Mexico. We had a structure in place and it allowed us to move.
So am I confident that we are well prepared? Yes. Can we be better prepared? Absolutely, and every day that goes by makes us more prepared.