Thank you.
There are two areas I want to ask about, and one has to do with resources and one has to do with the communication and coordination gap. I've heard from the provincial health agency level that there are concerns about not having federal cost sharing of expenses. That might be things other than vaccines, such as sanitizers, health care worker availability, supplies, respirators, costs of planning, and continuity of care. In asking the Public Health Agency of Canada, we were assured that resources and cost sharing are not and would not be constraints. I want to know from the front-line level whether you see an absence of resources to those non-vaccination expenses as a constraint, or do you predict that it might be? That's the first question.
Second, with respect to the concerns around the Public Health Agency's ability to provide clear leadership concerning public health with this situation, my question is whether you see the concerns being a matter of resources not being adequate to have that clear coordination and leadership at all the levels, or do you see it as a matter of organization, that we don't have the clear lines of responsibility and accountability, starting with the minister probably, so those inter-jurisdictional gaps are still apparent? Is it a matter of resources or organization, in your view?