First of all, we share with you the concern for the health and well-being of all our employees. This is something on which we have a joint occupational safety and health committee. We work in partnership with the employees on these issues. But again, there, we view this as a partnership with the employee. The employee is responsible for being aware of their own health, so they have to take measures. They will take measures and we try to educate them on measures—for example, hand-sanitizing, social distancing, those kinds of things. That's regularly communicated through those general communiqués, but also we're asking managers to make sure that in their discussions with their individual office colleagues this is discussed. We make the nurse-counsellor available for meetings to answer questions if they are concerned about particular things.
We have the usual kinds of protocols in place for people with regard to sick leave provisions, family leave provisions, and so forth, because we have a lot of young families. One of the things we're proudest of is the idea that we are a family friendly employer, so there is a very understanding culture with regard to the absenteeism of parents who have to look after kids. That's not always so very predictable, so it's really important that we be responsive to that and understanding. But at the same time, there is a sense in which those parents have to be responsible in return.
You mentioned the business of working at home, and certainly there are some areas--and of course people are connected with the BlackBerry and so forth--where we ensure there is a constant ability to communicate. But as Kathryn was saying, it would be wrong to pretend that we could arrange that for all workers.
One of the things about this, as I answered another member, is that there are a lot of jobs being done here and a lot of positions doing work where a delay would not have a significant impact. There might be an impact, for example, on how quickly financial claims can be processed, but I don't think that would qualify as a supreme hardship in the great scheme of things.
Those are the kinds of decisions we're going to try to make, but at the same time keep the communications channels open to the caucuses, to the whips, and to the Board of Internal Economy, to say this is the level of service, there is a three-day turnaround time ordinarily, but right now, because of high absenteeism, you're going to have to face a 10-day turnaround time.