That's quite a series of questions.
First of all, let me say that with regard to the tool kit, people don't know about the tool kit because it went up on the Internet today. There will be a communiqué going out today that says this tool kit is available.
As I mentioned earlier, the plan is something that has evolved. You will recall that in May and June of last year, quite a series of communiqués went out to members' offices that informed them of what level had been declared by WHO and that kept people informed as we ourselves were informed.
One thing I want to make very clear--I suspect I'm going to be disappointing you in this--is that while, as the clerk, I am responsible for the implementation of the plan here on Parliament Hill for the House of Commons, and I'm responsible for ensuring that each one of my direct reports is prepared and their employees are prepared for an eventual pandemic, I have no authority over members of Parliament or their offices.
Members of Parliament are completely, from my point of view, independent creatures. They operate both as independent employers and as members of a caucus.
So when I was talking about the kind of partnership we have with the whips, that is to make information available to the whips and to sensitize them to the kinds of questions they may get from their members.