Thank you, Madam Chairperson.
I want to add my thanks for this thorough briefing and the work you've done.
I really don't have a lot of questions because my sense is that the precinct is well looked after in terms of a preparedness plan. I know our offices have been getting information since the spring. I can remember employees on the Hill talking about going to training sessions. Cleaning has certainly been a major preoccupation. There are hand sanitizers in the entrance of every building and all over the place in different buildings. There are big signs in washrooms. I think your tool kit will probably add to that.
We have a 24-hour nurse on site. We have someone to turn to for information. You've indicated your willingness to speak to different caucuses and be available for MPs. I think it's an amazing plan.
My one comment would be, given what we've been hearing from first nations communities, that I think some of those communities would given an arm and a leg just to have a portion of what we have here.
If I have any question it really goes back to the question Kathryn was answering—and you've already done that—on the trial run of having 30% of your employees off. Say this thing hit in different regions, and some MPs couldn't get into Ottawa and it became difficult to hold Parliament as we know it.
Audrey, have you ever thought about a different way to hold Parliament by using technology? Could we meet as a Parliament if we couldn't all get here and conduct business?