I just think it would have a lot of power, if the minister issued a formal apology.
I will do my two questions.
In reading paragraph IV, “H1N1 in Manitoba...”, I see the wording that this “occurred only two months after the virus was first detected in Mexico...”. It sounds as though we didn't have time to respond. We had theoretical modelling of how we would respond and buy time if it started in Asia. We had our health people down in Mexico immediately.
A tremendous concern I have is that we waited before going up to northern Manitoba. We have historical hindsight. We know what the health issues are today and we know what the socio-economic conditions are that made people particularly vulnerable. So why did our people get down to Mexico right away and not into northern Manitoba? That's one question.
The second issue is this. There have been close to 900 confirmed cases in Manitoba, and 38% of these cases have been identified as first nations or Métis persons living off reserve. If we look at the priority sequencing list for vaccination, are they going to get the vaccine? I remember Dr. Gully telling us that 17.5% of those who were hospitalized were aboriginal, and 12% in ICU were aboriginals. I think this is really important and that we have to address it.