There were a number of meetings. I don't have them itemized here. The minister met and spoke with Grand Chief Evans and Grand Chief Harper on a number of occasions.
My purpose in going to Winnipeg last week was simply to provide an opportunity, really out of a sense of respect for everybody involved, to look at the report and make comments. On both sides there were some comments. In fact, the comment about the God's River community came from our meeting with the chiefs. They had heard there were a larger number of body bags in God's River. We hadn't and we rechecked.
What is in the report is what I believe to be true, having done due diligence and checked everything as thoroughly as possible. That's all I could really do—do my best and perform due diligence. And we did that.
The conversation dealt not just with the immediate incident but also with some of the surrounding context—the social determinants, the need for better communication, and the desire on all sides to work towards that end. The chiefs showed considerable respect for the work the nurses are doing, which respect I very much share. I took it as a positive meeting and a place from which we can continue to build over the coming weeks as we deal with the event at hand. There is an order of priority to this stuff. We are dealing with a pandemic, but there are also some longer-term issues we need to address.
On the virtual summit, we had a good meeting with National Chief Atleo shortly after he became national chief, together with the minister and other officials from the AFN. We were looking at ways to improve our pandemic planning, and that idea came up. We're all committed to it, and it is now at the design stage.
Paul has been involved in this, and I will ask him to say a few words.