Let me try to answer the issue about the nurse.
I was in Winnipeg on Friday, and I did two things in Winnipeg. In the morning, I met with regional staff to give them an opportunity to see the draft report and ask if it was fair. In the afternoon, I met with Grand Chief Evans and Grand Chief Harper.
In the morning, the nurse from Wasagamack, who I think had been away, was not at the meeting, but we were able later in the morning to connect with her by telephone, and I was able to speak with her. I read her the pertinent parts of the report, both the front end, which is basically the bottom-line conclusions, and the part of the report that summarized what she had told us. I asked her if she thought it was fair, and she did.
Certainly, it's not my intention to blame anybody. As the report points out, we're dealing with extraordinary circumstances. I think the people are doing their best. I think she would acknowledge in hindsight that it was an overestimation, but that's not a statement of blame; it's just the way it is. Everybody, including Chief Knott in Wasagamack, shares your view that she is a terrific nurse and that she is doing a terrific job in that community. In fact, after all this broke, he asked her to go on local television with him while he expressed his gratitude for the work she was doing.