Dr. Gully, Mr. Rosenberg, thank you very much for being here with us again today. Dr. Gully, I know we've seen a fair amount of you in the last month or so, and that's good. It's nice to see you here, too, again, Mr. Rosenberg.
I thank you for the presentation you've given us today. Certainly it puts the situation as it occurred in a better perspective. I think that was something that we all needed to understand. We do know from your report that the order was given, that there were a lot of supplies ordered, and perhaps there was an overextension on a fair number of different items in that supply order. I can understand that because I think we're working in extraordinary circumstances. I think everybody is doing the very best they can to try to deal with a situation that they hear on a day-to-day basis can be extremely life-threatening and can increase very rapidly at a minute's notice. So I think the people on the ground are doing the best they can to deal with that.
Ordering in extra supplies when sometimes, as your report says, it takes three or four helicopter flights to get one shipment of supplies into the community would be in my mind a natural thing to do. The last thing you would want with fall and winter coming on would be to be left with no supplies and caught in that situation.
We've heard testimony from different people here today about the nursing staff and what a terrific job they're doing. I think they are, and you certainly have corroborated that. I think they're doing an extraordinary job in these extremely trying times.
You've talked a bit about your meeting with Chief Adams and the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs and Chief Atleo. You have said they have been good meetings. One thing I would like you to do is talk a bit more about that and the virtual summit that you just mentioned, if you could.
The other thing I want to say is that you feel this was an isolated case but you are reviewing the procedures, and I think that's excellent. I think that's what pandemic planning or any type of emergency planning is all about. There will always be various external forces that nobody expects, and that's why they are emergencies or pandemics. I think that to be able to review this, to review the situation and the policies and procedures that are in place to make the proper changes and address those issues as they happen is good planning. I just wanted to make that statement.
Maybe you could tell us a little bit more about your dealings with the various chiefs and this virtual summit.