I don't know how you simplify the messaging. I think you're right, there is an overwhelming amount of information out there. A lot of it is bad information, to be perfectly honest with you. I think the anti-vaccine forces have really jumped on this opportunity.
I don't know how you'd do that, except that I think you stay on message. You get all your involved parties giving the same message, maybe do some television spots. We did that with smoking, so why not with vaccinations? Beyond that, I don't know.
I will say, by the way, on the issue of preparation, that I think preparation is actually very good, by and large, on a local level. My concerns about preparation probably have more to do with inter-site cooperation. That is to say, public health is actually in pretty good shape with that, but as you may not know, ICUs have been kind of historically outside the domain of public health. Public health goes about as far as the hospital—maybe into bed utilization—but the ICU is a black box, so as for how we could cooperate if we were really pressed to do that, I think that's an unknown. It's one of the big deficits, in my mind: the cooperation of ICUs across the country, if it became necessary.