I have no doubt that impacted outcome. You know, you never expect a pandemic to occur in your backyard, so there was a lot of uncertainty and a lot of confusion, let's say, early on in terms of exactly what was happening. Quite frankly, the advice we were getting from various sources was predicated on ambulatory patients, patients who were not that critically ill. Initially, the advice we got was that for people who were presenting like this, first, we should wait for confirmation of the H1N1 test, or influenza at least, and that took three days because we were testing only twice a week. There are all sorts of reasons that there were delays. Because our aboriginal communities were first hit, they bore the brunt of the lack of knowledge, basically, so the delays in their community were quite long, in the order of, I think, seven or eight days.
On October 19th, 2009. See this statement in context.