I can only repeat what Ms. Lynkowski has said. But if one moves away from the duty issue, which is paramount, and looks at the practicalities, we think they're very much intertwined: your own health, the health of your family, the health of your co-workers, the cost to the health system of dealing with actual cases as opposed to prevention, and the cost to the productivity of this country—one could go on and on with the practical side on top of the duty.
As far as we know, this is a very safe process. I think there will always be a question. People still say they won't have the seasonal flu shot because it gives them the flu. We have a lot of difficulty in dealing with myths out there. That's why at this time we need leadership, and we need leadership from those in the country who are best positioned to show it. I'd go on TV, but no one knows me from a hole in the wall. You folks do represent.... I'm not pushing the idea that you do this, by the way, but frankly I propose it, for all those reasons.