Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
I want to thank the witnesses for being here on such short notice and also for the good work you're doing.
I was a little startled on some of your statistics. I remember 16 years ago, when my son was born, looking at baby food and the high content of sodium and sugar. I remember that my wife and I chose to make our own baby food. What impresses me, though, since then is that the industry has seemed to take an approach to remedy the situation.
I was quite happy to hear that you've talked to industry and talked about voluntary reductions, because I think that's probably one of the fastest ways we can react. I have spoken to industries that have already taken steps to decrease the sodium in their foods. But I was wondering if you could give the committee some background information. Why is sodium added there in the first place? What can replace it? That is the first question. Second, what are the challenges that industry will face by decreasing the sodium levels? Could you be fairly brief?
Thank you.