I guess there are two segments in your question, honourable member. You mentioned chemicals and additives, but you mentioned as well any types of issues related to food that have an impact on health. The answer to the second part of the question—whether there is an interest in developing a comprehensive approach to tackle various issues related to the food supply that are linked to chronic diseases and health and wellness—is yes. This is being incorporated with the approach that is developed throughout the health portfolio, both with the involvement of the Public Health Agency of Canada, which is actually monitoring the state of our health and also identifying the reasons related to that and the linkages—for example, to food-borne issues—and our work within the Department of Health and also with the agriculture portfolio, in order to come up with potential solutions that would address that.
Sodium reduction strategy would be one of those. Transfat reduction would be one of those. Reduction of exposure to chemicals in food would be one of those. Reduction of food-borne illness related to microbial hazards would be one of those. So the intent is definitely to incorporate that into a comprehensive strategy that would enable us to achieve these goals.