Thank you, Madam.
The issue of generics is one that has come before us relatively recently, and as I said earlier, we are governed by the Patent Act. You might think that generic products don't have patents. That would be the popular perception out there, that they don't have patents, when in fact a large number of them do have patents. They are mostly manufacturing and processing patents; nevertheless, they are patents and therefore come under the aegis of the Patent Act, and that's where we are.
This is a relatively new phenomenon. Of all the generics, only a relatively small number hold these patents, at least those that we can determine, and so far we've not had any.... We're having consultations with the Canadian Generic Pharmaceutical Association and we have had a meeting recently, one month ago or so. At the conclusion they were going to present us with a bullet form of what they felt the bottom line was for their industry, and we've not yet received it. But we are dialoguing with them.