Okay, I appreciate that.
I'm going to stick to drugs for now, and then hopefully we can get to some of the other areas. There's more we need to know on this front. As you know, drugs are the second fastest growing part of our health care system, and if we don't figure out a way to get on top of it, it's going to kill medicare, so we have to find a way to do it.
One of the issues is about brand name drug companies agreeing to spend 10% of their expenditures on research and development in return for patent protection. We know that's not taking place. In fact, I think you reported back in June 2008 that 8.9% had gone into R and D. That even seems high, but it's still below the 10%. I'd like to know, first of all, how you evaluate research costs. Do you rely on independent auditing or industry self-reporting? What do you do to try to correct this shortfall, and is there any consequence for the manufacturers?