Madam Chair, I wanted to go back to the topic of the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, which Ms. Bennett and Judy have already touched upon a little bit.
I am concerned. I would like to hear a little bit more of an explanation on this budget increase, the $4.7 million, which would be a 76% increase. Just looking at the annual report leading up to this, the note I saw in the 2007 annual report is that of the 1,114 drug products, 22 were currently having hearings. It looks like there's a high compliance rate. Are things changing? What would equate with the need for this growing budget?
Looking at this from a broader perspective, if you look back from 2004 to today, it looks like the budget has gone from $5 million to $11 million and the number of staff has gone from 44 to 62. Could you explain what the causes of this significant budget change have been?